2022 Felix Pace Award

1 year, 11 months ago 0
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You may have noticed the sign above the kitchen viewing window in the Club Rooms at Copi Hollow that says “Cat’s Kitchen”. Felix Pace affectionately known as “Cat” was the reason behind this sign and additionally the Felix Pace award. Felix’s huge contribution to the Club over many years catering for both Club events and doing fundraising was the reason this plaque and award came into existence for the Club.

Why “Cat’s Kitchen” you ask, well “Cat” came about as a result of the old TV program called “Felix the
Cat” (most of you can stop pretending you don’t know the show cause your old enough and yes the song is now stuck in my head too).

This year, this very special award was awarded to the lovely Donna Davey for her 9 years of service to the Club in them Social Officer Position. Donna was hugely successful in her role catering for both the Club events and the Clubs other fundraising events which were for outside groups and organisations. These events were always extremely hard work starting with coordination of the event and ending with a full day of cleaning, however, this never stopped Donna and her crew.

As mentioned, Donna didn’t do this alone, her crew of helpers were there with her for the entire 9 years. Sometimes there were more helpers and other times just her usual crew, but it didn’t seem to matter as the events were always super successful!

Donna said that receiving the award was a very emotional time for her, she said she went on to say that she couldn’t talk properly she was so emotional.

She also said she loved her time in the role especially doing it for the “lil’ people” of our Club and that she couldn’t have been successful without the help of her crew. Donna wanted to thank her crew for their support and hard work during this time.

The Broken Hill Speedboat Club Committee and members can’t thank Donna and her crew enough for the 9 continuous years of service to the Club.

We also hope that you all sit back and enjoy what Copi Hollow has to offer knowing you have done an amazing job!

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