Copi Hollow Xmas Tree 2012

Copi Hollow Xmas Tree 2012
11 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

Photo’s supplied by Glenn Baker. Top Right: Liam Baker with Santa, Top Left: The Xmas Tree, Bottom Left: Various people enjoying lunch at the Xmas Tree, and Bottom Right: Various people relaxing in the wait for lunch.


Ah Christmas…
We all wait for that that exciting time of year when Santa comes out to all the good little boys and girls…of course being Christmas down under, it’s a ra-ther hot experience for Santa.
We have during past Christmases expe-rienced all the seasonal variations of a Summer Down Under…..electrical storms, floods, hailstorms, and bush-fires. But 80% of the time we are blessed with blue skies and depending on our location, temperatures ranging from 25-38 degrees centigrade and thankfully this past Christmas Day was rather pleasant.
For this Christmas Tree Santa stuck to the Copi Hollow tradition and arrived in his usual grand Copi Style “by boat” driving by an Elf. Santa’s bell rang out
which alerted the children to him long awaited arrival and as always, Santa didn’t disappoint. Santa poised him self for getting out of the boat and on to the shore line and managed to do this without getting wet this year…(oh well there’s al-ways next year).
Santa then made is way to the club house which was decorate with glittering Xmas decorations and a sparkling Christmas Tree.
The excited children following behind waiting excitedly to receive a Xmas treas-urer. Santa positioned himself beside the Xmas Tree, near the fire place which was surrounded by a huge pile of Xmas gifts for the children of the club.
As is tradition at Copi Hollow the women of the club were also treated to a box of chocolates.

The children (some frightened by the bearded man in a red suit), sat around Santa in awe and anticipation of what was about to happen. As the children name’s were called out they would go up and get their gift (some allowed photo’s others not so keen) and then re-took their seats to rip open the packaging.
Once the packaging was opened and the present in hand the kiddies smiles were a mile wide, all excited to be able to go and play with their new toy.
Finally it was that sad moment when San-ta must leave. Santa has a lot of work to do to be ready for Christmas Day and a lot of other Christmas functions to do. San-ta’s bell rang out loudly and the kiddies all waved furiously their short goodbye (knowing it wouldn’t be long until Santa returns and fills their personal Christmas Tree’s with presents.
Christmas has many different meanings depending on your race/religion but one thing I think we can all agree on is that Christmas day is the day to eat, drink and be merry (hahaha).
For those interested, the first official Christmas Down Under was celebrated on the 25th December, 1788 at Sydney Cove by Reverend Johnson.
I have yet to find any information on the first Copi Hollow Xmas Tree, but will keep digging up the past to find out all the infor-mation. If you have any photo’s or infor-mation eg: date held, who attended, how Santa arrived or any other information please share it with me so that I can share our history with all the members of the club.
The committee and members and especial-ly the children would like to thank Santa for visiting us this year and invite Santa back to Copi Hollow for Christmas in 2013.
The committee would also like to thank the organisers and helpers of this event, (it takes a lot of background organisation, which takes a lot of time and effort) it was a fantastic night with good food and great company!
We hope all had a merry Xmas and a happy new 2013!

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