A guide to getting lost bogged

Fire fighting may be a very serious issue but sometimes there is a funny side to everything!
In around April 2003, there was a call about a bogged car and boat trailer/fire fighting truck or a fire at Lake Speculation (it seems this detail has changed over the passing of time). Our Copi volunteers are not adverse at any time to go and help a neighbour in need and so our fire marshal (at the time) Craig Simmons and John Hiscock rushed over to help out.
As you do in a rush to get to the scene John suggested
a short cut through a neighbouring property (seemed like a good idea at the time), and so the club that was supposed to help the neighbour in need became a neighbour in need.
The short cut proved to be a lot tricker then first thought and resulted in the pair going approximately 5 miles in the wrong direction. Once this was realised they started to make their way back and around Lake Sepculation but (ops) soft ground and heavy truck, never a good mix. The end result is that the truck became deeply bogged into the ground, much to the embarrassment of Craig and John.
After some time and many attempts at getting the truck unstuck a call was made to the somewhat inebriated club members to come out and rescue them and hopefully pull out the truck to save any further embarrassment.
As expected the rescue team gave the guys a fair old ribbing when they first arrived and set eyes on the truck.
Now with more men, the aid of another vehicles pulling power and some serious thoughts on how to do the job, the team attempted to pull out the truck.
It was a stinking hot day and after several attempts, hours waisted and it seemed like the truck was sinking further down they gave up the fight and a call out was made to the Menindee CFS to pull the truck out.
When the Menindee CFS guys finally made it out to the rescue it was a barrel of laughs all round and something they would never let the Copi Hollow guys forget.
Finally after 5 hours the truck was set free. I don’t know what happened to the boat and car trailer/truck or fire but I hope someone finally come to the rescue and didn’t take a short cut to get there.
This entry was posted on Monday, February 27th, 2012 at 1:07 pm
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