AGM minutes from 1969

12 years, 8 months ago 0
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Information supplied by Gil Coulter and family.

With the 2012 Annual General Meeting looming I thought it was a perfect time to read some AGM minutes from the information Gil Coulter supplied to me. These Minutes were taken in 1969, it does not say by whom..(Some of the writing is very hard to understand so please forgive me if I’ve done anything incorrectly.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 18th of June 1969. Meeting opened at 8.02pm. M Barrie presided.
Present: M Barrie, D Barrie, A&N Hoare, J&J Rawlins, C Gerrard, L Church, B Church, D Prenzel, J Prenzel, B Jenkins, J Campbell, R&S Carroll, J&M Spain, J&A Attard, W Myers.
Apologies: M&W Turner, A Dickson, A&B Radford, L Campbell
Minutes: Of the Annual General Meeting held on the 12th of June 1968 were read and confirmed as a true record on the motion of L Church and J Rawlins.
Of the General Meeting held on the 21st of May 1969 moved B Church, Seconded J Campbell that the minutes be adopted as a true record.
Of the Committee Meeting held on the 10th of June 1069 were read and confirmed on the motion of J Rawlings, seconded B Jenkins.
June Correspondence: Menindee Water Ski Club re meter, Menindee Water Ski Club re cabaret, Moved J Spain, Seconded C Garrard that correspondence be accepted.
Out Correspondence: Shire of Central Darling re road, Shire of Central Darling re fridge, S.A.W.S.A re meeting at R ? Moved C Garrard, Seconded A Hoare.
Account: Ampol Petroleum Ltd $15.31, Minchin Harris & Co $15.00, City Council $13.22 Accounts passed for payment of the motion of J Attard, Seconded A Hoare.
Reports: Treasurer tabled the audit report and balance sheet for 1968/69 after perusal by members moved L Church, seconded by C Garrard, Carried.
After discussion regarding the electricity, L Rawlins moved that the shack owners submit reading of their meters monthly if this is not been submitted by the end of the second month an account for twice the amount owing will be forwarded. Seconded R Carroll. Also the secretary is to check the meters once every 12 months. Carried.
Skier training school ladies gave a report on changes in the Committee. D Barber resigned. S Carroll filled the position. Next meeting on the 23rd of June at S Carroll’s residence, the Ski training school would like to thank the Club members for helping in the past year.
Social Officer reported on the clubs visit to Port Augusta. There was 15 members from here that made the trip. The Port Augusta people made the trip a memorable one. A social was held on the Saturday night in conjunction with the presentation of trophies. On the Sunday night a barbecue tea was held this was quite enjoyable.
It was also reported that a section of the club visited Mildura over the Queens Birthday weekend, this was also a very enjoyable trip.
Commodore’s Report: The Commodore gave a very short report on the proceedings of the club over the past 3 months since he had been in the position. He reported that the Social Club had purchased another air cooler for the Club House at Copi Hollow. The Commodore felt that the Social Committee should get a special mention for the good job carried out by them. The Club truck and tractor are not working in as good as condition as could be expected, we hope this will be remedied in the very near future. The Commodore commented on the good job carried out by the Racing Committee and the Racing Secretary doing a very satisfactory job as he had not had any previous experience in the type of work. The committee was thanked in the way in which each member carried out their duties over the past 12 months. He felt that the club could have been more cooperative with their attendance at social functions organised by the different committee’s of the club.
All positions were then declared vacant. (I have only given a short version of this as it was quite lengthy)
Elected: Commodore: Kevin Astill, Vice Commodore: M Barrie, Secretary/Treasurer: Jan Rawlins, Club Captain: C Garrard, Social Officer: A Hoare, Equipment Officer: B Church, Publicity Officer: D Prenzel, Race Secretary: L Campbell.
General Business: Moved Bill Myers, seconded I Church, outgoing secretary be paid same Honorarium as last year $50. Carried. Moved D Prenzel, Menindee Club be given permission to connect into 240v 10power to drive electric water pump with meter to be located on job near barbecue. Pump to be connected to water as at present. Sec John Spain Carried ask about future plans for tank. Working bee 29th June to repair water system which was not done on the 1st of June. Club Fee’s: Moved D Prenzel, Seconded B Church, club fee’s remain as at present with adjustment made for any alteration to association fee’s. Carried. Moved J Campbell that bank signatures be left as at present until K Astill returns from overseas. Seconded C Garrard. Carried. Letter of appreciation to Alma Swimming Club for use of hall for meeting plus $5 donation. Moved R Carroll, seconded J Campbell. Carried. Moved Dot Barrie that meeting be held at members homes. Seconded M Spain. Carried.
Next meeting 16 July at M Spain’s 462 Cummins Lane. Next Committee Meeting 9th July at L Campbells 94 Newton Street.
Meeting Closed 11.05pm.

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