Broken Hill Speedboat Club Debutant Ball 2008

Broken Hill Speedboat Club Debutant Ball 2008
11 years, 11 months ago 0
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Photo’s and information supplied by Kyara Fisk

The 2008 Debutante Ball which was held at the Broken Hill Entertainment Center was stunning mix of pink, mauve and white, with glittering lights and gorgeous flowers on pillars. A magnificent setting that created a fairytale like atmosphere that would be remembered by all the deb’s and their partners for the rest of their lives.
The debutantes and their partners were:
Kyara Fisk partnered by Blake Treloar
Jasmin Roberts partnered by Stuart Garrick
Emily Roberts partnered by Corbin Channing
Esther McKenzie partnered by Bayden Quinn
Tayla Cuffe partnered by Sean Smith
Sarah Jane Algate partnered by Ky Symonds
Sharna Morton partnered by Jackson O’Dwyer
The deb’s and their partners had been in training for this event for a few months proceeding the ball, this included dancing lessens which were unstructured by Cath-erine Boylan, Alison Garrick and Laura and
Evan Boylan.
The deb’s were asked to bring their dads to lessons, and the partners their mum’s. I asked Kyara about the dancing lessons and if there was anything that stood out that she would remember forever.
Her reply: “In our dance lessons the funniest thing that happened (unfortunately I don’t have a photo though) was when the parents (girls dads and boys mums) had to come to their first lesson. Jasmin’s pop was doing the dance with her and he rocked up in a leotard with a long wig and headband on”.
The night had finally arrived and the debs were about to come out to be presented. I asked Kyara what happened and how she felt.
“I was the first deb to come out so I was very nervous but excited at the same time. Every-one looked beautiful and we all couldn’t wait to be presented and get the night started.
When we were announced, the MC “Peter Garrick” introduced us to the guests, then talked about ourselves and our hobbies while we walked into the hall.
We were then presented to the 2008 Club Commodore “Warwick Sayers” and his Wife “Lisa Sayers”. Lisa placed out sashes on and then we took our place on the dance floor ready to dance while the other debs were presented.”
Once the debs were presented the deb’s bouquet of flowers were given to flower girls Regan Sayers and Laura Andrich.
The debutants and their partners did the more traditional style dances in a circle (which is really nice for a deb). They also danced with their parents, (debs danced with their dads) and (the partners danced with their mums). At the end of the dances the debs and their partners did a fun dance to Jitterbug where the debs and partners start-ed on the dance floor and then halfway through the MC invited everyone else to get up and join in, this got everyone involved and up dancing.
As the night progressed speeches were made
by a couple of the deb’s and partners thanking various people for their effort in putting on the deb and the 2008 Debutante Cake was cut.
After all the formalities of the night were complete the deb’s, their partners and the guests were all treated to an light meal.
I asked Kyara if there was anything she would change about her night at the deb and she said
“I had an amazing night, everything went perfectly. There isn’t really anything I regret or would change. If I did it again I would have made my hair and makeup appointment a bit earlier because my partner and his family were all waiting at my house when I got home but they were used to waiting for me so it didn’t matter, it was just a bit of a rush getting ready.”
Finally I asked Kyara if there was any advise she would give to the debutantes of 2013?
Kyara said: “Have fun and don’t get to stressed out.”
I’m sure the deb’s will fondly remember this night for the rest of their lives and I look for-ward to being a part of the 2013 Broken Hill Speedboat Club Debutante Ball.


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