Club House Floor Complete

Club House Floor Complete
9 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

After years of needing to re-vamp the club house floor it has finally been made possible with the assistance of the Community Building Partnerships Program.  The Community Building Partnership (CBP) Program provides funding to improve community infrastructure for the people of NSW, and encourage the enhancement of local community based activities that create more vibrant and inclusive communities.  The CBP Program is a NSW Government initiative coordinated by the Department of Education and Communities on behalf of the Department of Premier and Cabinet awarded our club $12,500 to upgrade the club house floor as requested in the submission.  The club house floor is now complete and looks fantastic!

Of course nothing is ever particularly easy and the floor did not happen without the huge efforts of many Broken Hill Speedboat Club volunteers and the generosity of our tradesmen especially Gabba Philp who completed this job at a massively reduced rate and undertook the lead role in removing and installing the new floor.

Having the floor completed will ensure the club meets all OHS risk requirements by reducing the risks associated with a damaged floor, therefore allowing higher safer usage to the aged and disabled and additional functions such as weddings and events etc.

The floor was one stage of what has now become a bigger project, prompting the upgrade of the kitchen and storage area’s of the club house.

The Broken Hill Speedboat Club Committee and members would like to thank all those involved in making this fantastic project a reality and thank the Community Building Partnerships Program for enabling a much needed upgrade to become a reality!




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