Copi Hollow to air on Getaway

Copi Hollow to air on Getaway
12 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

What a great way to see in the new financial year…Copi Hollow will be aired on Getaway. This is invaluable advertising for the club, priceless advertising that will showcase Copi Hollow and the surrounding areas to all of Australia.
The team from Getaway included the camera crew and the gorgeous Rachael Finch made their way to Copi Hollow for filming of an episode to be aired in the second episode of Getaway which starts in September of this year.
Rachel was met by the Club Secretary, Barry King, the caretakers Sharon and Andrew Stewart and Club Captain, Grant Boylan. The camera crew took various shots of different area’s of Copi Hollow and Rachael even donned a thermal wet suit and braved the cold (well cold hands and feet) for a quick single ski around the lake. Rachael was taken out in the Boylan’s new boat and the camera crew were taken around in Barry Kings Boat.
The episode is to showcase the Memindee area but Copi Hollow will feature with various photo’s and video of Racheal skiing around the lake. The feature will also include information on our accommodation options and camping area’s for families and the nomads of Australia and beyond.

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