Emu V’s Boy

Emu V's Boy
12 years, 11 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

It was relatively ordinary day at Copi Hollow when suddenly Copi was visited by a flock of Emu’s.

The Emu’s seemed harmless enough, wandering around, checking out the vans, checking out the locals and trying to find where the food was kept. They soon learned that the humans had the food and were happy to be fed by them.

The Emu’s also because curious about some of the dogs in the park wanting to check them out and maybe even have a little taste of them but a vigilant owner (Sue Liddell) decided that their dog wouldn’t become Emu lunch.

The kids thought it was quite exciting, coming out to feed the Emu’s, watch them and even started to play “chasey” with them. Of course at first the children were on the chase but it didn’t take long for the Emu’s to decide that the game plan needed to change and the chasers become the chased.

At first this seemed harmless enough but it wasn’t long before the game got a little serious. Poor little Liam Baker bears the scar from being caught by one of the Emu’s and receiving a nip from its beak.

Poor little Liam was very brave and as young boys do they go to their mothers for comfort. Liam’s mum Kym Baker was in no state to comfort Liam due to the fits of laughter that she just couldn’t control. In the end Liam dealt with the bite with a small “oww”.

The people from the Scout Camp, Kye and Gill had came looking for some of their missing pets and you guessed it, it was the friendly or from Liam’s point of view rather unfriendly Emu’s who had made a visit. Kye and Gill had acquired the Emu’s as part of their work with the RRANA (Rescue and Rehabilitation of Australian Native Animals).

Gill suggested that when the Emu’s visit Copi it’s not a good idea to feed them as they will come to expect it. I don’t think Liam will be feeding the natives again for a while.

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