Happy 50th Birthday Darryn Clifton

Happy 50th Birthday Darryn Clifton
12 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

Darryn Clifton recently celebrated his 50th birthday at Copi Hollow over Easter.

Darryn was born on the 8th of April 1962 but over Easter, Darryn and his family and friends continued the celebrations for the entire 4 day Easter break…well your only 50 once right?

We all know Darryn’s lovely wife Lyndy.  I asked Darryn how they met and he said “Our meeting was a love at first sight scenario, Lyndy was 15 and I was 17 and I owned a Panel Van .” Awww!

Darryn and Lyndy went on to have 6 children: Chad – 29 (lives in Broken Hill) , Toby – 27 (lives in Canada) , Amy  – 25 (lives in Adelaide) , Abbi – 14  Ace – 13  and  Ava – 8  and believe it or not they now have 3 grandchildren: Rhianna – 5 , Emmy – 3 and Kobie – 1.
Darryn went on to say:

We have been members of the Speedboat Club  for approximately 6 years.  In August 2009, when the water level was at its lowest, the lovely Mrs Power gave Lyndy a phone call and informed her their van was for sale. We had inspected 4 vans previously and never new that Site 41 was for sale so Lyndy drove to Copi and had a look and purchased the van without hesitation.   We thought if we don’t buy a van now we were never going to buy one.
In December of 2009 the rain started to fall and didn’t stop, the lake filled and we have been having the time of our lives ever since.

We swore that we would never buy a boat, now we have a Savage 175B Bow Rider (I just wanted a Tinny).”  Hahaha sound familiar anyone?

“My thoughts are that we made the journey to Copi 20 years to late, we have no intentions of leaving but always look to upgrade to a bigger van but probably never will.

We have great people on each side of our van – Chris & Tracey Barker on one side and Ron Ferguson on the other.  Both have been very helpful in assisting us when we first settled in and continue to offer advice on every occasion when we ask questions.

The friendships that we have formed since purchasing our Van at Copi are valuable to us and the friendly nature of most people provides a very happy environment.

We chose Copi over many other places around NSW as we believed it was a safe and secure environment to have fun with our family.  We are a mob that loves to have fun and remember no matter how old you are,  or no matter how long that you have been a member, you can still smile and have fun on every occasion you stay at Copi !!!!!!! “

I’d like to thank Darryn for providing this information and could safely say that Copi Hollow wouldn’t be the same without your mob.

The Broken Hill Speedboat Club Committee and Members would like to wish you a very happy birthday Darryn!

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