Life Membership awarded to Warwick Sayers

Life Membership awarded to Warwick Sayers
11 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

The Broken Hill Speedboat Club doesn’t offer life membership willy-nilly, in fact after being in operation for the last 50+ years there are still only a small amount of Life members.
On Sunday the 30th of September 2012, (the opening of the Picnic Day), “Warwick Sayers” was bestowed the honour of becoming a life member for all the hard work he has put into the club over the years. The Club Commodore “Chris Barker” presented Warwick with his life membership badge and gave a speech on the hard work he has put into the club.
Warwick was the Club commodore for 8 consecutive years when there was little water at Copi Hollow and Copi’s future was looking rather bleak. Warwick worked tirelessly on the new cabins, installed the water filter at the back amenities block, works on the club tractors and mower…constantly, works on the toilet blocks every time they block up (which I’m sure he loves to do), and provides the general maintenance needed to avoid the bigger problems. Warwick is at Copi working every spare minute of his time and has attended nearly every working bee put on by the club. Warwick has been an asset in his ability to deal with employee related matters and was a leader in managing under age drinking. Warwick has laid the foundations for future commodores to make their job easier and is still a very active member of the club.
Warwick had no idea that this honour was going to be bestowed to him and his surprise was evident in the tears he tried to hide under his sunglasses (which he wouldn’t take off).
Warwick’s wife Lisa proudly watched on, but could contain her excitement no longer and so ran up to hug and congratulate her husband.
Warwick was inundated with pats on the back from the men and hugs from the women all congratulating him on receiving this honour.
On behalf of the Committee and members of the Broken Hill Speedboat Club we would like to congratulate Warwick and thank him for all the hard work he has put in over the years!

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