Newspaper Stories from years gone by…

Newspaper Stories from years gone by...
12 years, 8 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

As I said in a previous newsletter in the Story “Copi Celebrity Visit”, I recently spent a considerable amount of time with Gil Culter and his family talking about Copi.  In this conversation I found out about many things that have long been forgotten about Copi Hollow and  now these things are just taken for granted because we are not reminded of the huge amounts of effort, sacrifice and sheer hard work that made them useful to us today.  Yes I’m talking again about the last 50 or so years of growth that has seen Copi Hollow become what it is today.

Gil and his family have been involved since the beginning.  Gil held the position of Commodore for approximately 2 years and lucky for us Gil kept detailed information, paper clippings, photo’s complete with the year the photo was taken and who or what was in the photo’s.

When I received this info from Gil and Dulcie I immediately went home and started going through it…let me tell you, its like entering another era!  For some this era will be of their personal past and for others it will be an opportunity to see their family’s past, a past that they were either probably to young to remember or not yet born for the younger generation.

Either way I’m sure everyone will get something out of it.  I hope its either a trip down memory lane or a better understanding of the history that makes up Copi Hollow and the Broken Hill Speedboat Club.

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