Phantom of the Opera

12 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

Information sourced from the filing cabinet in the Ski Locker room at the Copi Hollow Club Rooms.

I have written this story exactly as it was written.  There is a note written at the top that said “Included in Ski Rope 1993.”

I would presume this is one of many trips taken  by the club ladies and well I’d like to know about them.  If anyone has any further information about this trip and especially knows who the Salvation Army girl was, and perhaps who wrote this story, I’d love to hear about it  for future Ski Ropes.  I believe there is a lot to these trips that remain untold and well now is the time to tell….

I say……..

We left Broken Hill Wednesday night at 10pm by bus and after a sleepless night caused by the Salvation Army girl and her companion’s snoring.  We had a break at Ouyen where some of us did not know if we were girls or boys, we arrived in Ballarat weary eyed but rearing to go.  Poor motel keepers did not know what hit them when we arrived, as there were not enough tables and chairs in the dining room.  Some of us had to sit at the bar to eat but we kept a good eye on these people to make sure they did not imbibe so early in the morning.

After a much enjoyed breakfast we ascended to Soverign Hill.  They did great business in plastic jackets because as usual the weather was most unkind.  It drizzled rain and was freezing cold.  Some of our party holed up in the café where it was nice and warm drinking steaming cups of coffee (plus a little nibble on a cake or two).  We were more then happy to get back to the motel.  After a scrub up and a great meal fun and games began.  The salvation Army girl was in great spirits (ask Clarabelle) she (Clarabelle) was positively woman handled minus some of her apparel arriving into the gathering room arriving into the gathering room in a less then presentable condition, where she was pushed around by the Salvation Army girl with the help of others to the tune of “Come and Join Us”.  Whereupon she collapsed onto the bed only to be revived by a wet face washer, this seemed to do the trick and she joined into the merriment with much gusto.  The gaming squad apparently herd the shouts of 10 cents, 10 cents coming from our room and thinking there was gambling going on we were asked to cool it and being sooo tirrrred we retired gracefully or not so gracefully those girls who were missing a blouse or two.

Next morning, bright eyed and busy tailed we were off again, this time to Kryle Castle—cold, cold, cold.  Not one of our Copi Girlies but a girl known to us all stole the Magician’s thunder and was promptly told that it was his show and not hers— “so cool it” Good on your Marl (Shirl) we thought you were great anyway.

We arrived at the Diplomat Motel in St. Kilda in time to have a little rest and to prepare for the Phantom of the Opera—It was great.  If you haven’t seen it by all means try—cannot describe how wonderful it was.  After the show and very hungry by this state we descended on a restaurant in St. Kilda only to find we were in the red light district—very interesting, had a scrumptious very late supper at Munros.  Then the country bumpkins had to get back to their motel under their own steam didn’t we.  So clutching at handbags and hanging on to each other we took up our share of the footpath—not one of us propositioned.  Amongst much hilarity we made it to the motel, where we disrupted the sleep of the night porter as were locked out.  No one had much (if anything) to drink at Munro’s but, we giggled and laughed in the Motel reception filling our breakfast menus making phone calls, and cracking jokes.  The poor fellow manning reception wondered what hit him.  I don’t think he had ever had a group like us.  Breathing conditions were not too good in the lift I’m told ask E!!! Also a few girls had a bit of laundry to do when they arrived back in their rooms.

Early morning rise and off to the markets—our little eyes were wide with wonder then our purses were empty and no wonder.

Lunch at poshy Toorak after a few hassles with taxis.  Barb soon sorted them out methinks Victoria could do with her instead of Joan Kirner.  Not bas is she Ron.

Home in time for a freshen up for Dirty Dicks.  What a night we laughed and laughed.  Our bus driver’s wife was sick at the beginning of the trip but she laughed herself well—we are a great tonic.

With the Salvation Army girl still singing Come and Join Us and Bringing in the Sheaves we made our way home and home and home BUT…NOT before we had a final shopping spree at Target in Mildura.

I can truly say a good trip was had by all.

You too could have a good time with us next year  so COME AND JOIN US BY GEE.


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